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Educational Psychology
Term : Spring 2025
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

EPS 619 - Mental Health Care Systems

Description: Mental Health Care Systems (MHCS) is a required course for students enrolled in the Master of Arts program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. MHCS is designed to acquaint future professional counselors with the kinds of contextual systems they can serve as psychotherapists within. The course will emphasize knowledge and skills associated with successful navigation of these systems, becoming aware of and advocating for maximum mental health care services for all citizens, reviewing current and evolving mental health care systems within the USA, differentiating work contexts such as inpatient and outpatient counseling, private practices, general mental health settings and specialized mental health settings, and navigation of licensure processes, scope of practice issues, and reciprocity. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Spring 2025

Course Attributes:
Prerequisite: Admission to Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA)