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Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

SOC 307 - Sociology Of Chicanx And Latinx Communities

Description: This course examines the institutional and structural conditions that have historically shaped and continue to shape the Chicanx and Latinx experience in the United States. It makes use of sociological and interdisciplinary perspectives and approaches that incorporate various paradigms/theories including but not limited to: stratification, colonialism, imperialism, intersectionality, socioeconomic class theory, conflict theory, and assimilation/acculturation. Of specific interest is the impact of social institutions such as education, immigration, the legal system, the economy, politics, family, and media. This course will examine institutionally perpetuated systems of oppression and privilege such as white supremacy, sexism, heteronormativity, nationalism, and classism. Cross-listed with ES 307. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: LS: Social and Political Worlds + US Ethnic

Prerequisite: Any 100- or 200-leve ES course; or any 100- or 200-level SOC course