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Term: Spring 2025

BIO 100 - Principles Of Biology
Introduces basic principles and concepts of biology. Methods of scientific inquiry and behavior of matter and energy in biological systems are explored. Not available for credit in the major or minor. Letter grade only.
BIO 100L - Principles Of Biology Lab
Investigates examples of life, with focus on our understanding of evolution, environment, heredity, body form, and function. Not available for credit in the major or minor. Letter grade only.
BIO 154 - The Art And Science Of Human Movement
Introduces the study of human exercise and provides a broad-based understanding of applications of human movement to health and science. Letter grade only.
BIO 181 - Unity Of Life I: Life Of The Cell
Introductory course for biology majors. Emphasizes the unifying molecular and cellular principles of all life on earth. Letter grade only. Required course materials and ebook access will be billed to each student's LOUIE account after the add/drop deadline. Recommended: high school algebra, biology, and chemistry.
BIO 181H - Unity Of Life I: Life Of The Cell - Honors
Introductory course for biology majors. Emphasizes the unifying molecular and cellular principles of all life on earth. Letter grade only. Required course materials and ebook access will be billed to each student's LOUIE account after the add/drop deadline. Recommended: high school algebra, biology, and chemistry.
BIO 181L - Unity Of Life I Laboratory
Introduces experimental techniques in cellular and molecular biological sciences. Letter grade only.
BIO 181R - Unity Of Life I Recitation
Optional recitation section covering problem-solving techniques in biology. Not available for credit in the major or minor. Pass/Fail only.
BIO 182 - Unity Of Life II: Lives Of Multicellular Organisms
Introductory course for biology majors. Emphasizes the unifying organismal principles of life on earth. Letter grade only.
BIO 182H - Unity Of Life II: Lives Of Multicellular Organisms - Honors
Introductory course for biology majors. Emphasizes the unifying organismal principles of life on earth. Letter grade only.
BIO 182L - Unity Of Life II Laboratory
Hands on experience with concepts introduced in BIO 182. Letter grade only.
BIO 192 - Introduction To Human Movement
Overview of the biological basis of human movement and function, including health, disease, and human performance. Provides information on the subject matter, career opportunities, and current literature in exercise physiology. Letter grade only.
BIO 192H - Introduction To Human Movement - Honors
Overview of the biological basis of human movement and function, including health, disease, and human performance. Provides information on the subject matter, career opportunities, and current literature in exercise physiology. Letter grade only.
BIO 199 - Special Topics
Foundations of intellectual inquiry. In-depth study of a substantive problem. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. Letter grade only.
BIO 201 - Human Anatomy/Physiology I
Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems in health and disease. Letter grade only.
BIO 201H - Human Anatomy/Physiology I
Integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, and sensory systems in health and disease. Letter grade only.
BIO 201L - Human Anatomy/Physiology I Lab
Examines histology and human organ systems including integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous. Letter grade only.
BIO 202 - Human Anatomy/Physiology II
Body fluid, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, and endocrine systems in health and disease. Letter grade only.
BIO 202H - Human Anatomy/Physiology II - Honors
Body fluid, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, and endocrine systems in health and disease. Letter grade only.
BIO 202L - Human Anatomy/Physiology II Lab
Examines human organ systems including endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive. Letter grade only.
BIO 204 - Germs: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
This course will cover how microbes affect human health through disease, symbiotic relationships, and with the foods we eat. This will be done using case studies from real-life microbiology and infectious diseases examples to illustrate basic concepts. The case studies will include for example: COVID-19, plague, anthrax, the human microbiome, and food microbiology. These case studies will be used to teach the relevant basic biological tenets of genetics, molecular genetics, cell biology, the immune system, ecology, epidemiology, and clinical medicine. Core concepts presented early in the lecture series will be reenforced in later case studies. Students will learn the fundamental principles of scientific inquiry and apply the concepts and analytical skills they acquire in the class to address questions about infectious disease and how microbes affect our lives. Letter grade only.
BIO 205 - Microbiology
Fundamental microbiology emphasizing structure and function of organisms, aspects of microbial diversity, pathogenic microorganisms, disease mechanisms and immune response. For students majoring in microbiology and those in the health professions. Recommended: CHM 130 or CHM 151. Letter grade only.
BIO 205H - Microbiology - Honors
Fundamental microbiology emphasizing structure and function of organisms, aspects of microbial diversity, pathogenic microorganisms, disease mechanisms and immune response. For students majoring in microbiology and those in the health professions. Recommended: CHM 130 or CHM 151. Letter grade only.
BIO 205L - Microbiology Lab
Examines the function of organisms, aspects of microbial diversity, pathogenic microorganisms, disease mechanisms and immune response. Letter grade only.
BIO 215 - Environmental Science For Hotel/Restaurant Managers
Environmental health issues that impact hotel/restaurant guests, staff and managers. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 221 - Lower Invertebrates
Surveys the "lower" invertebrate phyla using selected taxa to illustrate concepts in evolution, ecology, and behavior. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 222 - Higher Invertebrates
Surveys the "higher" invertebrate phyla using selected taxa to illustrate concepts in evolution, ecology, and behavior. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 226 - Ecology
Description: Introduces ecological principles, including the distribution and abundance of organisms, population dynamics, community organization, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. Letter grade only.
BIO 226H - Ecology - Honors
Description: Introduces ecological principles, including the distribution and abundance of organisms, population dynamics, community organization, energy flow, and nutrient cycling. Letter grade only.
BIO 226L - Ecology Lab
Experimental analysis of plant and animal interactions within ecosystems, including community dynamics, ecological processes, and biotic inventories. Letter grade only.
BIO 226LH - Ecology Lab - Honors
Experimental analysis of plant and animal interactions within ecosystems, including community dynamics, ecological processes, and biotic inventories. Letter grade only.
BIO 227 - Intertidal Invertebrates
Surveys invertebrate diversity in the northern Gulf of California, with emphasis on common living and fossil species. Includes a five-day field trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico. Letter grade only.
BIO 240 - Genetics And Evolution
Fundamental concepts of inheritance, including genetic and chromosomal character determination, and natural selection leading to population changes and speciation. Letter grade only.
BIO 240H - Genetics And Evolution - Honors
Fundamental concepts of inheritance, including genetic and chromosomal character determination, and natural selection leading to population changes and speciation. Letter grade only.
BIO 244 - Fundamental Evolutionary Biology
Fundamentals of evolutionary theory including natural selection, adaptation, species concepts and speciation, basics of phylogenetics and population genetics as well as patterns of diversification and extinction. Letter grade only.
BIO 299 - Special Topics
In-depth study of an aspect, concept, or problem.  Letter grade only.  May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.
BIO 299H - Special Topics - Honors
In-depth study of an aspect, concept, or problem.  Letter grade only.  May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.
BIO 300 - Human Biology
Series of independent mini courses dealing with aspects of biology and human conditions. Letter grade only. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 units. Each repeat must be a different topic than previously taken.
BIO 300H - Human Biology - Honors
Series of independent mini courses dealing with aspects of biology and human conditions. Letter grade only. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 units. Each repeat must be a different topic than previously taken
BIO 301 - Science, Religion And Reality
Important topics in today's world showing significant differences of opinion or beliefs contrasting with scientific evidence or contemporary practice, such as life's origin, beginning of an individual, sexual orientation, death. Letter grade only.
BIO 302 - Relevance Of Science
Crucial challenges, problems, or situations in today's world for which science gives us insight into meeting, solving or understanding, such as global warming, using reclaimed water, energy crisis, epidemics, obesity. Letter grade only.
BIO 303 - This Is Your Brain: An Introduction To Neuroscience
This course explores the structure and function of the human nervous system, with emphasis on the human brain. Building upon from prior courses, this class will cover foundational neuroscience principles. Through a series of neurological case studies, students will summarize "normal" functioning of the brain and will explore pathologic symptoms based on injury extent, as well as potential treatment modalities that highlight the plasticity of the nervous system. Letter grade only.
BIO 310 - Scientific Concepts In Human Biology
Systems and processes of the human body integrated with an understanding of health and disease. Letter grade only. Recommended: high school biology or chemistry. Not available for credit in the major or minor.
BIO 320 - General Pathology
Surveys disease processes affecting body systems; cell death and inflammation; emphasizes altered physiological mechanisms in cells and organ systems. Letter grade only.
BIO 320H - General Pathology - Honors
Surveys disease processes affecting body systems; cell death and inflammation; emphasizes altered physiological mechanisms in cells and organ systems. Letter grade only.
BIO 322 - Entomology
Biology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution of insects. Letter grade only.
BIO 322H - Entomology - Honors
Biology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, and evolution of insects. Letter grade only.
BIO 322L - Entomology Lab
Laboratory experience identifying insects, their morphology, and anatomy using specimens from the NAU insect collection. Includes a field component to observe insects in their natural environment and obtain practical knowledge of various insect collecting techniques. Students will gain experience with proper insect preservation and curation techniques as well as have the opportunity to build their own insect collection or conduct specimen-based research. Letter grade only.
BIO 323 - Vertebrate Zoology
Evolution, systematics, distribution, ecology, and primary adaptations of the major vertebrate groups. Letter grade only.
BIO 323L - Vertebrate Zoology Lab
This laboratory course will serve as a primer of vertebrate diversity, evolution, adaptations (morphological, physiological, ecological, and behavioral), and conservation. Our goal is to inspire you to learn more about one (or more) groups via future participation in research/education and/or enrollment in upper division courses, including Ichthyology, Herpetology, Ornithology, and/or Mammalogy. Letter grade only.
BIO 325 - Foundations Of Physiology
Function and integration of animal tissues, organs, and organ systems in the maintenance of homeostasis in animals and humans. Letter grade only. Recommended: BIO 344.
BIO 325H - Foundations Of Physiology - Honors
Function and integration of animal tissues, organs, and organ systems in the maintenance of homeostasis in animals and humans. Letter grade only. Recommended: BIO 344.
BIO 325L - Foundations Of Physiology Lab
Lab experience in the study of animal tissues, organs, and organ systems in the maintenance of homeostasis in animals and humans. Letter grade only.
BIO 325LH - Foundations Of Physiology Lab - Honors
Lab experience in the study of animal tissues, organs, and organ systems in the maintenance of homeostasis in animals and humans. Letter grade only.
BIO 334 - Functional Anatomy And Kinesiology
Anatomical and mechanical basis of the science of human movement with application to analysis of movement activities. Letter grade only.
BIO 334H - Functional Anatomy And Kinesiology - Honors
Anatomical and mechanical basis of the science of human movement with application to analysis of movement activities. Letter grade only.
BIO 338 - Physiology Of Exercise
Physiology of human performance during exercise, including cellular and systemic responses, environmental, and training program considerations. Letter grade only.
BIO 338H - Physiology Of Exercise - Honors
Physiology of human performance during exercise, including cellular and systemic responses, environmental, and training program considerations. Letter grade only.
BIO 338L - Exercise Physiology Lab
Lab methods in exercise physiology, including cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal function, body composition, and flexibility. Letter grade only.
BIO 344 - Cellular And Molecular Biology
Organization and function of biological molecules, cell diversity, cell structure and function, and cell interaction and differentiation. Letter grade only. Recommended: BIO 340.
BIO 344H - Cellular And Molecular Biology - Honors
Organization and function of biological molecules, cell diversity, cell structure and function, and cell interaction and differentiation. Letter grade only. Recommended: BIO 340.
BIO 345 - Sustainable Botany
Applies plant science principles to aspects of growing plants, including soil science, pathology, physiology, entomology, orchard, garden, and greenhouse with comparison of modern agribusiness to sustainable agriculture. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 346 - Advanced Microbiology
Detailed examination of advanced microbiological concepts and current applications. Topics include cell structure and function, growth and culturing approaches, energy generation, molecular and metabolic diversity, and extremophiles. Letter grade only.
BIO 346H - Advanced Microbiology - Honors
Detailed examination of advanced microbiological concepts and current applications. Topics include cell structure and function, growth and culturing approaches, energy generation, molecular and metabolic diversity, and extremophiles. Letter grade only.
BIO 349L - Molecular Techniques
Teaches how to perform and interpret basic molecular techniques including Southern and Northern blots, gene cloning, PCR, protein purification, and SDS-PAGE. 9 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 350 - Molecular Genetics
Studies genetics from a molecular and microbial perspective; gene structure, expression, control, mutation, and recombination; advances in genetic engineering. Letter grade only.
BIO 350H - Molecular Genetics - Honors
Studies genetics from a molecular and microbial perspective; gene structure, expression, control, mutation, and recombination; advances in genetic engineering. Letter grade only.
BIO 365W - Writing In The Biological Sciences
This course provides students with practice in biological writing for both technical and non-technical audiences, with the goal of fostering development of effective communication of scientific information by majors in the biological sciences. This course fulfills NAU's junior-level writing requirement. Letter grade only.
BIO 365WH - Writing In The Biological Sciences - Honors
This course provides students with practice in biological writing for both technical and non-technical audiences, with the goal of fostering development of effective communication of scientific information by majors in the biological sciences. This course fulfills NAU's junior-level writing requirement. Letter grade only.
BIO 366 - Behavior Of Animals
Surveys the theories and reasons that explain the behavior of animals. Letter grade only.
BIO 366H - Behavior Of Animals - Honors
Surveys the theories and reasons that explain the behavior of animals. Letter grade only.
BIO 367 - Global Change Biology
This course will apply ecological concepts to address how environmental changes impact organisms, communities, and ecosystems and explore mitigation and conservation strategies in the face of global change. Letter grade only.
BIO 369 - Environmental Microbiology
Microorganisms in the air, food, soil, and water, and their interaction with the environment. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 369H - Environmental Microbiology - Honors
Microorganisms in the air, food, soil, and water, and their interaction with the environment. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 373 - Marine Biology
Behavior, ecology, biogeography, and evolution of marine organisms relative to the physics and geology of the ocean. Letter grade only.
BIO 373H - Marine Biology - Honors
Behavior, ecology, biogeography, and evolution of marine organisms relative to the physics and geology of the ocean. Letter grade only.
BIO 374 - Economic Botany
Surveys plants used by humans including plant parts or products used and their geographic origin and distribution. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 375 - Infectious Disease
This course will cover the challenge presented by infectious microorganisms, how the host responds to the challenge, and what challenges lie ahead for both humans and microbes. Letter grade only.
BIO 375H - Infectious Disease - Honors
This course will cover the challenge presented by infectious microorganisms, how the host responds to the challenge, and what challenges lie ahead for both humans and microbes. Letter grade only.
BIO 376 - Industrial Microbiology And Biotechnology
Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology explores how microorganisms are used to make medicines, foods, and energy, and to genetically engineer plants and animals. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 384 - Botany
Surveys botanical principles from an evolutionary perspective, including cell biology, inheritance, development, ecological roles, reproduction, and classification. Letter grade only.
BIO 384H - Botany - Honors
Surveys botanical principles from an evolutionary perspective, including cell biology, inheritance, development, ecological roles, reproduction, and classification. Letter grade only.
BIO 384L - Botany Lab
Laboratory experience demonstrating morphological, anatomical, and physiological adaptations found in plants ranging from photosynthetic prokaryotes to flowering plants using prepared slides, live material from the Biology Teaching Greenhouse and experiments to investigate how biochemical and external factors influence plant growth and development. Letter grade only.
BIO 389 - Cooperative Education
Individualized preplanned cooperative employment experience related to your field of study or career objectives. Department consent required. Pass-Fail only. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit. Please complete the Cooperative Education Proposal form and obtain signatures of approval BEFORE registering.
BIO 399 - Special Topics
In-depth study of an aspect, concept, or problem within a program of study. Letter grade only. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units.
BIO 401C - Immunobiology
Basic aspects of immunobiology emphasizing immune response, antibody structure and reactions with antigens, immunological specificity, and immunological diseases. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only. Recommended: CHM 360.
BIO 401CH - Immunobiology - Honors
Basic aspects of immunobiology emphasizing immune response, antibody structure and reactions with antigens, immunological specificity, and immunological diseases. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only. Recommended: CHM 360.
BIO 402 - Virology
Biophysical, genetic and biochemical characteristics of mammalian and microbial viruses. Co-convened with BIO 502. Letter grade only.
BIO 402H - Virology - Honors
Biophysical, genetic and biochemical characteristics of mammalian and microbial viruses. Letter grade only.
BIO 408 - Fieldwork Experience
Supervised field experience in an appropriate agency or organization. Pass-fail only. No repeat limit.
BIO 408C - Fieldwork Experience
Supervised fieldwork experience in a professional exercise-science setting. Requires 45 hours for each credit earned. Instructor's consent required. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit.
BIO 408CH - Fieldwork Experience - Honors
Supervised fieldwork experience in a professional exercise-science setting. Requires 45 hours for each credit earned. Instructor's consent required. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit.
BIO 408H - Fieldwork Experience - Honors
Supervised field experience in an appropriate agency or organization. Pass-fail only. No repeat limit.
BIO 409 - Soil And Groundwater Bioremediation
Fundamental concepts of bioremediation, including discussion of the following topics: degradation kinetics, bioaugmentation, metal biotransformation, molecular approaches to bioremediation, chlorinated solvents, phytoremediation, petroleum hydrocarbons, and natural attenuation. Letter grade only.
BIO 409H - Soil And Groundwater Bioremediation - Honors
Fundamental concepts of bioremediation, including discussion of the following topics: degradation kinetics, bioaugmentation, metal biotransformation, molecular approaches to bioremediation, chlorinated solvents, phytoremediation, petroleum hydrocarbons, and natural attenuation. Letter grade only.
BIO 410 - Phycology
Systematics, structure, reproduction, ecology, and methods of collecting algae; culture and experimental study of selected algae species. Field trips, 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only. Course fee required.
BIO 411 - Mycology
Systematics, physiology, ecology, and medical importance of fungi and related forms; field identification and experimental studies. Co-convened with BIO 511. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 411H - Mycology - Honors
Systematics, physiology, ecology, and medical importance of fungi and related forms; field identification and experimental studies. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 412C - The Mechanics And Energetics Of Locomotion
This course will provide a culminating experience in the exercise science program. It consolidates the knowledge and understanding of anatomy, physiology, metabolism and kinesiology students have gained throughout their program to explore the mechanics and energetics of locomotion. Students then apply their synthesized understanding to examine exercise and clinical examples that they will encounter within their advanced therapeutic studies (physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.). Co-convened with BIO 513. Letter grade only.
BIO 412CH - The Mechanics And Energetics Of Locomotion - Honors
This course will provide a culminating experience in the exercise science program. It consolidates the knowledge and understanding of anatomy, physiology, metabolism and kinesiology students have gained throughout their program to explore the mechanics and energetics of locomotion. Students then apply their synthesized understanding to examine exercise and clinical examples that they will encounter within their advanced therapeutic studies (physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.). Letter grade only.
BIO 414 - Native Plants Of Arizona
Emphasis on the recognition of much of the native and naturalized flora of Arizona by community from Alpine Tundra to the Sonoran Desert. Letter grade only.
BIO 414L - Native Plants Of Arizona Lab
Field surveys of all major biomes in Arizona from Alpine Tundra to Sonoran Desert with emphasis on species indicative of healthy or degraded communities. Five required all day field trips on Saturdays. Letter grade only.
BIO 415 - Plant Taxonomy
Introduces the principles of plant classification; a survey of flowering plant families in northern Arizona; collection, identification, and preservation of wild flowers and grasses. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 416 - Gross Human Anatomy
Investigation of human anatomy through hands-on study of human cadavers, models, and prosections. The course will cover skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiopulmonary, digestive, and urogenital anatomy. Co-convened with BIO 506. Letter grade only.
BIO 416L - Gross Human Anatomy Lab
Investigation of human anatomy through hands-on study of human cadavers, models, and prosections. The course is regionally-organized, and covers anatomy of the back, thorax and thoracic viscera, the abdomen and abdominal viscera, the upper limbs, lower limbs, and the pelvis and pelvic viscera. During the progression through these regions, the following systems are covered: skeletal, integumentary, muscular, nervous, cardiopulmonary, digestive, renal, and urogenital. Co-convened with BIO 506L. Letter grade only.
BIO 419 - Molecular Ecology And Evolution
This course explores the molecular genetic techniques currently used in behavioral, ecological, and evolutionary research. Techniques covered include a broad spectrum of methods including PCR, DNA sequencing (both Sanger and Next Generation) and genetic fingerprinting methods such as AFLPs and MSATs. The molecular basis for each method/technique is covered, as are appropriate methods of data analysis with specific applications to problems in organismal biology and evolutionary ecology. Co-convened with BIO 519. Letter grade only.
BIO 420C - Advanced Exercise Physiology
Applies physiological principles to exercise circumstances; includes critical analysis of the effect of exercise on human physiologic function with in-depth examination of current literature. This course is an option to satisfy the capstone requirement for exercise science majors. Co-convenes with BIO 514. Letter grade only.
BIO 420CH - Advanced Exercise Physiology - Honors
Applies physiological principles to exercise circumstances; includes critical analysis of the effect of exercise on human physiologic function with in-depth examination of current literature. This course is an option to satisfy the capstone requirement for exercise science majors. Co-convenes with BIO 514. Letter grade only.
BIO 424 - Evolutionary Vertebrate Anatomy
Interpretation of vertebrate structure with emphasis on phylogeny and function. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 426C - Plants And Climate
Analyzes plant physiological functions, including photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, and energy balance, and interactions with the past and current climate system. 3 hours lecture. Recommended: CHM 360, BIO 284. Letter grade only.
BIO 426CH - Plants And Climate - Honors
Analyzes plant physiological functions, including photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, and energy balance, and interactions with the past and current climate system. 3 hours lecture. Recommended: CHM 360, BIO 284. Letter grade only.
BIO 427 - Ornithology
Evolution, ecology, behavior, and conservation of birds. Letter grade only.
BIO 427L - Ornithology Lab
Evolution, ecology, behavior, and conservation of birds. Letter grade only.
BIO 428 - Mammalogy
Survey of the evolution, adaptations, behavior, ecology and conservation of mammals. Letter grade only.
BIO 428L - Mammalogy Lab
Survey of the taxonomy, classification, and anatomy of mammals, and an introduction to field techniques. Letter grade only.
BIO 431 - Plant Morphology
Comparative functional morphology, ecology, and evolutionary relationships of algae, fungi, bryophytes, and vascular plants; field and lab exercises include fossil and living plants. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 432C - Evolutionary Medicine
This course integrates medicine and the biological sciences, in particular the study of adaptation as it applies to the study of the human body. By combining these topics, the course provides students with intellectual tools that allow them to develop a new perspective on the study of medicine, and the role of evolution in shaping how and why the human body contains both exquisite adaptations as well as otherwise inexplicable shortcomings. Students learn these intellectual tools by cooperating to present papers from the primary literature to their peers. Students will be capable of developing and evaluating hypotheses concerning the evolution of human disease, and will understand why humans are susceptible to our species' common maladies: such as cancer, diabetes, mental illness, and infectious and non-infectious disease. Letter grade only.
BIO 432CH - Evolutionary Medicine - Honors
This course integrates medicine and the biological sciences, in particular the study of adaptation as it applies to the study of the human body. By combining these topics, the course provides students with intellectual tools that allow them to develop a new perspective on the study of medicine, and the role of evolution in shaping how and why the human body contains both exquisite adaptations as well as otherwise inexplicable shortcomings. Students learn these intellectual tools by cooperating to present papers from the primary literature to their peers. Students will be capable of developing and evaluating hypotheses concerning the evolution of human disease, and will understand why humans are susceptible to our species' common maladies: such as cancer, diabetes, mental illness, and infectious and non-infectious disease. Letter grade only.
BIO 433C - Bioethics
This course introduces students to bioethics as an interdisciplinary subject through critical thinking, writing, and discussing contemporary issues. Bioethics considers the ethical principles and values relevant to life, and their application to the use of technology. This course examines some major moral issues involved in the practice and research of medicine, health care, and biological research methods. Letter grade only.
BIO 433CH - Bioethics - Honors
This course introduces students to bioethics as an interdisciplinary subject through critical thinking, writing, and discussing contemporary issues. Bioethics considers the ethical principles and values relevant to life, and their application to the use of technology. This course examines some major moral issues involved in the practice and research of medicine, health care, and biological research methods. Letter grade only.
BIO 434 - Human Microbiome Ecology
This course will cover the ecology of the microbial inhabitants of the human body, how the host depends on these microorganisms to maintain health, and consequences when these microbial communities are perturbed. The intent of this course is to introduce students to fundamental and novel concepts in human microbiome research, including original studies from many of the major contributors who have shaped the field. Co-convened with BIO 534. Letter grade only.
BIO 435C - Advanced Evolutionary Theory
Advanced concepts in evolution including the origin of variation, natural selection, population genetics, mathematical approaches to understanding evolution including neutral theory, species concepts, patterns and rates of lineage diversification, and methods of phylogenetic analysis. Letter grade only.
BIO 435CH - Advanced Evolutionary Theory - Honors
Advanced concepts in evolution including the origin of variation, natural selection, population genetics, mathematical approaches to understanding evolution including neutral theory, species concepts, patterns and rates of lineage diversification, and methods of phylogenetic analysis. Letter grade only.
BIO 438 - Conservation Genetics
The course introduces the main principles of population genetics and molecular genetics theory to understand the basis and application of conservation genetics science. Examples are largely drawn from plant and animal species. Co-convened with BIO 538. Cross-listed with FOR 468. Letter grade only.
BIO 441 - Conservation Biology
Scientific basis for conserving and managing biological diversity, emphasizing applications of ecology, drawing on other scientific disciplines, and integrating public policy and sociological issues. Cross-listed with ENV 440. Letter grade only.
BIO 441H - Conservation Biology - Honors
Scientific basis for conserving and managing biological diversity, emphasizing applications of ecology, drawing on other scientific disciplines, and integrating public policy and sociological issues. Letter grade only.
BIO 442 - Biomechanics
This course integrates anatomy, physiology and mechanics to explore the principles of human and animal movement. It highlights the diversity of techniques required to study the physics of movement. Co-convened with BIO 542. Letter grade only.
BIO 442H - Biomechanics - Honors
This course integrates anatomy, physiology and mechanics to explore the principles of human and animal movement. It highlights the diversity of techniques required to study the physics of movement. Letter grade only.
BIO 444C - Human Physiology
Physiology of major body systems studied at the metabolic, cellular, and systemic levels, emphasizing homeostatic mechanisms. Letter grade only.
BIO 444CH - Human Physiology - Honors
Physiology of major body systems studied at the metabolic, cellular, and systemic levels, emphasizing homeostatic mechanisms. Letter grade only.
BIO 450 - Fundamentals Of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics focuses on the application of the tools of computer science, such as programming languages and databases, to address biological questions. This class will teach fundamental theories, tools, and skills used in bioinformatics. Co-convened with BIO 590. Letter grade only.
BIO 451C - Developmental Biology
The cellular and molecular biology of animal development. Co-convened with BIO 551. Letter grade only.
BIO 452C - Ichthyology
Ichthyology involves the study of fishes, the largest group of living vertebrates on the planet. This course will focus on the following topics: evolutionary biology of fishes, diversity in fish form and function, and specialization of fish species for particular habitats, including the imperiled waterways of Arizona. Co-convened with BIO 525. Letter grade only.
BIO 452L - Ichthyology Lab
Ichthyology involves the study of fishes, the largest group of living vertebrates on the planet. In the laboratory, we will explore the relationship between form and function in various families of fishes. In a series of field trips, we will visit aquatic habitats in Arizona and consider what fish are able to thrive in these habitats and why. Co-convened with BIO 525L. Letter grade only.
BIO 454C - Applied Cardiovascular Physiology
Human physiology as it relates to cardiovascular regulation during orthostasis, exercise, aging, thermal stress, and in special populations. Co-convened with BIO 554. Letter grade only.
BIO 454CH - Applied Cardiovascular Physiology - Honors
Human physiology as it relates to cardiovascular regulation during orthostasis, exercise, aging, thermal stress, and in special populations. Letter grade only.
BIO 458 - Success In Research Part I
This course serves students participating in BS programs across four colleges (CEFNS, SBS, CHHS, and CEIAS). The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practical skill, knowledge and training to successfully conduct research, compete for graduate programs and research funding. Students will receive practical training in research ethics, responsible conduct in research, as well as training in writing for research and presenting results in writing and for conferences. We will also provide Title IX training, and guide students in navigating the complexities of life/work in the sciences. Instructor consent required. Students must be junior level or higher and conducting independent research. This course is on environmental health topics. Co-convened with BIO 558. Letter grade only
BIO 458H - Success In Research Part I - Honors
This course serves students participating in BS programs across four colleges (CEFNS, SBS, CHHS, and CEIAS). The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practical skill, knowledge and training to successfully conduct research, compete for graduate programs and research funding. Students will receive practical training in research ethics, responsible conduct in research, as well as training in writing for research and presenting results in writing and for conferences. We will also provide Title IX training, and guide students in navigating the complexities of life/work in the sciences. Instructor consent required. Students must be junior level or higher and conducting independent research. This course is on environmental health topics. Letter grade only
BIO 459 - Success In Environmental Health Research Part 2
This course serves junior-level students participating in research programs in Biological Sciences, Health and Human Services and Social and Behavioral Studies. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practical skill, knowledge and training to successfully conduct research, compete for graduate programs and research funding. Students will receive practical training in research ethics, responsible conduct in research, as well as training in writing for research and presenting results in writing and for conferences. We will also provide Title IX training, and guide students in navigating the complexities of life/work in the sciences. Co-convened with BIO 559. Letter grade only.
BIO 459H - Success In Environmental Health Research Part 2 - Honors
This course serves junior-level students participating in research programs in Biological Sciences, Health and Human Services and Social and Behavioral Studies. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practical skill, knowledge and training to successfully conduct research, compete for graduate programs and research funding. Students will receive practical training in research ethics, responsible conduct in research, as well as training in writing for research and presenting results in writing and for conferences. We will also provide Title IX training, and guide students in navigating the complexities of life/work in the sciences. Letter grade only.
BIO 460 - Exercise Testing And Prescription
Basics of cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal testing and exercise prescription for general and compromised populations. Includes electrocardiograph analysis. Letter grade only.
BIO 460H - Exercise Testing And Prescription - Honors
Basics of cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal testing and exercise prescription for general and compromised populations. Includes electrocardiograph analysis. Letter grade only.
BIO 460L - Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Lab
Applies the principles of cardiopulmonary exercise testing and prescription, including electrocardiogram analysis, aerobic testing, pulmonary function, body composition, and the prescription resulting from that testing. 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 460LH - Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Lab - Honors
Applies the principles of cardiopulmonary exercise testing and prescription, including electrocardiogram analysis, aerobic testing, pulmonary function, body composition, and the prescription resulting from that testing. 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 462C - Respiratory Physiology
This course provides a culminating experience in the Exercise Science degree by examining aspects of human respiratory physiologic responses and regulation during exercise, environmental stress, and in lung disease. Throughout the course, students will synthesize specialized knowledge of respiratory physiology, and examine theoretical and primary literature to interpret scientific data and determine its applications to human diseases and acute and chronic responses within the respiratory system. Co-convened with BIO 562. Letter grade only.
BIO 462CH - Respiratory Physiology - Honors
This course provides a culminating experience in the Exercise Science degree by examining aspects of human respiratory physiologic responses and regulation during exercise, environmental stress, and in lung disease. Throughout the course, students will synthesize specialized knowledge of respiratory physiology, and examine theoretical and primary literature to interpret scientific data and determine its applications to human diseases and acute and chronic responses within the respiratory system. Letter grade only.
BIO 464 - Field Biology Research
Field Biology Research and Field Biology Research Lab combine to provide a complete research experience from conception to presentation with a focus on research making use of elevation gradients. The lecture component includes understanding the literature and motivation for research, developing hypotheses and research methods, and the synthesis and presentation of results. The lab component includes field trips and observation, indoor and outdoor data collection activities, and data analysis. The two components are co-requisite. Co-convened with BIO 564. Letter grade only.
BIO 464L - Field Biology Research Lab
Field Biology Research and Field Biology Research Lab combine to provide a complete research experience from conception to presentation with a focus on research making use of elevation gradients. The lecture component includes understanding the literature and motivation for research, developing hypotheses and research methods, and the synthesis and presentation of results. The lab component includes field trips and observation, indoor and outdoor data collection activities, and data analysis. The two components are co-requisite. Co-convened with BIO 564L. Letter grade only.
BIO 465C - Interventions To Mitigate And Prevent Chronic Diseases
This course will cover pathogenesis and pathophysiology of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and focus on current research related to interventions including exercise, nutrition, nutritional supplements, and pharmacological therapies. Additionally the topics of aging, obesity, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress will be addressed. Co-convened with BIO 565. Letter grade only.
BIO 466 - Legislative Or The Washington Center Internship
Supervised internship in the Arizona Legislature or the Washington Center. Students are selected on a competitive basis, and you must apply the term prior to the internship. Students must meet requirements of the program to be eligible. Course enrollment is handled by the internship coordinator after selections have been made. Pass/Fail only.
BIO 467 - Ecological Sampling And Monitoring
This course familiarizes students with general concepts and techniques in field ecology. It surveys species and phenomena that characterize aquatic, terrestrial, and/or transition ecosystems; familiarizes students with basic sampling, monitoring, ecological concepts, hypothesis testing, and experimental procedures with an emphasis on data organization and analysis techniques that exemplify best practices in ecology. Co-convened with BIO 567. 1 hr. lecture, 9 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 469 - Data Analysis And Representation
This course emphasizes quantitative approaches, graphical representation, and science writing, and prepares students for the presentation of independent field research in a public and professional forum. Letter grade only.
BIO 471C - Microbial Ecology
Population, community, and ecosystem ecology of microorganisms emphasizing interactions with plants and animals and the roles of microorganisms in ecosystem processes. Co-convenes with BIO 578. Letter grade only.
BIO 471CH - Microbial Ecology - Honors
Population, community, and ecosystem ecology of microorganisms emphasizing interactions with plants and animals and the roles of microorganisms in ecosystem processes. Letter grade only.
BIO 475 - Parasitology
Animal parasites, their life cycles, evolution, host pathologies, treatments, means of control, and prevention of infection. Letter grade only. Recommended: BIO 475L
BIO 475H - Parasitology - Honors
Animal parasites, their life cycles, evolution, host pathologies, treatments, means of control, and prevention of infection. Letter grade only. Recommended: BIO 475L
BIO 475L - Parasitology Lab
Living and preserved examples of the major parasitic animal taxa to illustrate concepts and patterns of parasite/host evolution, systematics, physiology, morphology, life history, ecology and behavior. Letter grade only.
BIO 477 - Fish Management
Introduces theory and practice of commercial and sport fish management. Topics include evolution and management of wild and stocked populations; field, lab, and hatchery techniques; aquaculture; exotic species; politics and economic management. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 478 - Wildlife Management
Surveys concepts and practices employed in the study and management of terrestrial wildlife. Topics include values, habitat requirements, movements, behavior, and dynamics of wildlife populations and the techniques used to ensure their continued survival. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 479 - Ecosystems And Climate Change
Principles of ecosystem ecology, including the factors controlling ecosystem structure, productivity, nutrient cycling, and energy balance-with examples from the Colorado Plateau and emphasis on global environmental change. Letter grade only.
BIO 482C - Human Genomics
This course will convey basic ideas in human genomics, including how genetic information determines phenotype, theories of genetic diagnosis, and the role of genes in cancer and other diseases. Letter grade only.
BIO 482CH - Human Genomics - Honors
This course will convey basic ideas in human genomics, including how genetic information determines phenotype, theories of genetic diagnosis, and the role of genes in cancer and other diseases. Letter grade only.
BIO 484 - Human Tissue Biology
Investigation of the microanatomy, function, and the structural basis of physiology of human cells, tissues, and organs in a combined lecture and laboratory. Letter grade only.
BIO 485 - Undergraduate Research
Original research under the supervision of a research adviser. Department consent required. Pass/Fail or letter grade. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit.
BIO 485C - Undergraduate Research
Research under the supervision of a faculty research adviser. Student must have research mentor approval prior to departmental consent. Department consent required. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for up to 6 units.
BIO 485CH - Undergraduate Research - Honors
Research under the supervision of a faculty research adviser. Student must have research mentor approval prior to departmental consent. Department consent required. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for up to 6 units.
BIO 485H - Undergraduate Research - Honors
Original research under the supervision of a research adviser. Department consent required. Pass/Fail or Letter grade. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit.
BIO 488C - Medical Microbiology
Medical aspects of host-parasite relationships in bacterial, mycotic, rickettsial, and viral diseases of human. Letter grade only.
BIO 488CH - Medical Microbiology - Honors
Medical aspects of host-parasite relationships in bacterial, mycotic, rickettsial, and viral diseases of human. Letter grade only.
BIO 488L - Medical Microbiology Laboratory
This course reinforces and provides hands-on learning opportunities of the concepts covered in BIO 488C. Letter grade only.
BIO 497 - Independent Study
Individualized approach to selected topics by guided reading and critical evaluation. Department consent required. Pass/Fail or Letter grade. No repeat limit. Please complete the Independent Study Proposal form and obtain signatures of approval BEFORE registering.
BIO 497C - Independent Study
Individualized approach to selected topics by guided reading and critical evaluation under the guidance of a faculty adviser. Department consent required. Pass/Fail only. Student must have study mentor approval prior to departmental consent. May be repeated for up to 6 units. Please complete the Independent Study Proposal form and obtain signatures of approval BEFORE registering.
BIO 497CH - Independent Study - Honors
Individualized approach to selected topics by guided reading and critical evaluation under the guidance of a faculty adviser. Department consent required. Pass/Fail only. Student must have study mentor approval prior to departmental consent. May be repeated for up to 6 units. Please complete the Independent Study Proposal form and obtain signatures of approval BEFORE registering.
BIO 497H - Independent Study - Honors
Individualized approach to selected topics by guided reading and critical evaluation. Department consent required. Pass/Fail or Letter grade. No repeat limit. Please complete the Independent Study Proposal form and obtain signatures of approval BEFORE registering.
BIO 498 - Senior Seminar
Integrates theory and practice of biological concepts, with emphasis on historical, contemporary, and future issues. Instructor consent required. Co-convened with BIO 698. Letter grade only. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units.
BIO 498H - Senior Seminar - Honors
Integrates theory and practice of biological concepts, with emphasis on historical, contemporary, and future issues. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units.
BIO 499 - Contemporary Developments
Examines recent trends and investigations in a selected area of a particular major field of study. Letter grade only. No repeat limit.  
BIO 499H - Contemporary Developments - Honors
Examines recent trends and investigations in a selected area of a particular major field of study. Letter grade only. No repeat limit.  
BIO 502 - Virology
Biophysical and biochemical characteristics of mammalian and microbial viruses. Co-convened with BIO 402. Letter grade only.
BIO 503 - Elements Of Scientific Endeavor
This course is designed for first-year graduate students in Biological Sciences. Students will develop core competencies to aid in professional development. Assigned readings and discussion will cover a range of topics including, writing a research prospectus and/or short grants, presenting research ideas, ethical conduct of research, reviewing and publishing papers, student-advisor interactions, graduate committees, authorship issues, collaborations and mentoring, speaking with the media, outreach, graphic design, data curation, and career development. Letter grade only.
BIO 504 - Pan-biology
This seminar serves as an introduction to the study of the Biological Sciences at the graduate level. The intent of the course is to introduce students to fundamental concepts and controversies from across the field of Biology, including original works by many of the major contributors who have shaped biological theory. Letter grade only.
BIO 506 - Gross Human Anatomy
Investigation of human anatomy through hands-on study of human cadavers, models, and prosections. The course will cover skeletal, muscular, nervous, cardiopulmonary, digestive, and urogenital anatomy. Instructor consent required. Co-convened with BIO 416. Letter grade only.
BIO 506L - Gross Human Anatomy Lab
Investigation of human anatomy through hands-on study of human cadavers, models, and prosections. The course is regionally-organized, and covers anatomy of the back, thorax and thoracic viscera, the abdomen and abdominal viscera, the upper limbs, lower limbs, and the pelvis and pelvic viscera. During the progression through these regions, the following systems are covered: skeletal, integumentary, muscular, nervous, cardiopulmonary, digestive, renal, and urogenital. Pathologies discovered during the course of the dissection are the subject of written exercises submitted in BIO 506. Instructor consent required. Co-convened with BIO 416L. Letter grade only.
BIO 507 - Soil Ecology
In this course students will examine the principles of soil ecology, beginning with the development of soil and how it is fundamentally structured, to the biology of soil: the organisms that live below ground and how they regulate and affect soil fertility. Students will capitalize on local study systems (e.g. the campus composting and garden program, or burn scars in managed forest systems near the campus, or others), to learn the practical aspects of soil-testing. Students will measure the chemical, physical and biological properties of soils and decomposing organic matter. Cross-listed with FOR 507. 3 hrs lecture, 3 hrs lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 511 - Mycology
Systematics, physiology, ecology, and medical importance of fungi and related forms; field identification and experimental studies. Co-convene with BIO 411. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 513 - The Mechanics And Energetics Of Locomotion
This course will integrate students' knowledge of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology and metabolism into a framework for understanding the mechanics and energetics of locomotion. This course will use historical and current primary literature to provide a fundamental understanding of the field. Students will learn about the links between the mechanics of a movement and the energy consumed and apply this knowledge to clinical situations. They will gain an appreciation of the techniques used in the study of mechanics and energetics, identify open questions in the field, and develop approaches to tackle them. This will provide students with the knowledge and skills to develop and answer research questions both in this area and more broadly. Co-convened with BIO 412C. Letter grade only.
BIO 514 - Advanced Exercise Physiology
Applies physiological principles to exercise circumstances; includes critical analysis of the effect of exercise on human physiologic function with in-depth examination of current literature. Co-convenes with BIO 420C. Letter grade only.
BIO 517 - Agrostology
Identification, classification, structure, distribution, and economic importance of grasses. Combined 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 519 - Molecular Ecology And Evolution
This course explores the molecular genetic techniques currently used in behavioral, ecological, and evolutionary research. Techniques covered include a broad spectrum of methods including PCR, DNA sequencing (both Sanger and Next Generation) and genetic fingerprinting methods such as AFLPs and MSATs. The molecular basis for each method/technique is covered, as are appropriate methods of data analysis with specific applications to problems in organismal biology and evolutionary ecology. Co-convened with BIO 419. Letter grade only.
BIO 523 - Meta-analysis In Ecology And Evolution
This is an introductory course to meta-analysis. The course is designed for advanced graduate students who have an interest in ecological and evolutionary phenomena for which published data already exists. We will study the basic steps in meta-analysis design and implementation, including statistical models and the interpretation and presentation of results. Letter grade only.
BIO 525 - Ichthyology
Ichthyology involves the study of fishes, the largest group of living vertebrates on the planet. This course will focus on the following topics: evolutionary biology of fishes, diversity in fish form and function, and specialization of fish species for particular habitats, including the imperiled waterways of Arizona. Co-convened with BIO 452C. Letter grade only.
BIO 525L - Ichthyology Lab
Ichthyology involves the study of fishes, the largest group of living vertebrates on the planet. In the laboratory, we will explore the relationship between form and function in various families of fishes. In a series of field trips, we will visit aquatic habitats in Arizona and consider what fish are able to thrive in these habitats and why. Co-convened with BIO 452L. Letter grade only.
BIO 526 - Herpetology
Classification, distribution, ecology, and identification of amphibians and reptiles. Letter grade only.
BIO 526L - Herpetology Lab
This course will cover the identification, anatomy, behavior, ecology, management, conservation, and survey techniques for the herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) during laboratory sessions and field trips. As a graduate-level class, there is a strong focus on developing critical thinking and professional comportment and networking skills. BIO 526L fulfills an upper-level class requirement for the Wildlife Certificate in Wildlife Ecology and Management, and is an upper-level elective in the Bachelor of Science, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology degree. Letter grade only.
BIO 527 - Ornithology
Classification, anatomy, physiology, ecology, behavior, distribution, and field identification of birds. 2 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 527H - Ornithology - Honors
Classification, anatomy, physiology, ecology, behavior, distribution, and field identification of birds. 2 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 528 - Mammalogy
Survey of functional morphology, classification, behavior, and ecology of mammals. 2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 534 - Human Microbiome Ecology
This course will cover the ecology of the microbial inhabitants of the human body, how the host depends on these microorganisms to maintain health, and consequences when these microbial communities are perturbed. The intent of this course is to introduce students to fundamental and novel concepts in human microbiome research, including original studies from many of the major contributors who have shaped the field. Co-convened with BIO 434. Letter grade only.
BIO 535 - Neurobiology And Behavior
Mechanisms of neuron and muscle excitability, neural network function, and sensory processing. Presents several examples of the neural correlates of behavior. Letter grade only.
BIO 535H - Neurobiology And Behavior - Honors
Mechanisms of neuron and muscle excitability, neural network function, and sensory processing. Presents several examples of the neural correlates of behavior. Letter grade only.
BIO 537 - Grant Writing
An introduction to techniques necessary to produce a successful grant application for research support from federal and private agencies and to develop skills needed to review and revise grant proposals. The course also introduces the issues and conventions for grant administration such as indirect (overhead) cost calculations, matching funds, group proposals, and how to respond to reviewers' comments. At the end of the course, you will have a proposal that could be submitted to federal agencies. Cross-listed with BE 537. Letter grade only.
BIO 538 - Conservation Genetics
The course introduces the main principles of population genetics and molecular genetics theory to understand the basis and application of conservation genetics science. Examples are largely drawn from plant and animal species. Co-convened with BIO 438. Cross-listed with FOR 568. Letter grade only.
BIO 540 - Comparative Animal Physiology
Advanced survey of the diversity organ systems, physiological mechanisms, and functional adaptations of animals. Letter grade only.
BIO 542 - Biomechanics
This course integrates anatomy, physiology and mechanics to explore the principles of human and animal movement. It highlights the diversity of techniques required to study the physics of movement. Co-convened with BIO 442. Letter grade only.
BIO 545 - Endocrinology
Influence of chemical mediators in physiological processes. Letter grade only.
BIO 551 - Developmental Biology
The cellular and molecular biology of animal development. Co-convened with BIO 451C. Letter grade only.
BIO 551H - Developmental Biology - Honors
The cellular and molecular biology of animal development. Letter grade only.
BIO 554 - Applied Cardiovascular Physiology
Human physiology as it relates to cardiovascular regulation during orthostasis, exercise, aging, thermal stress, and in special populations. Co-convened with BIO 454C. Letter grade only.
BIO 555 - Philosophy Of Biology
This course is aimed at engaging students in a reading and discussion based exposition of the philosophical considerations behind core concepts and ideas in the biological sciences. The goal of the course is to raise student awareness and understanding of the intersections of biology and philosophy as they relate to major biological theories, such as the theory of biological evolution, and foundational biological concepts, such as the concept of biological species. Course participants should be prepared and able to read, digest and discuss primary and secondary source materials. Cross-listed with SCI 555. Letter grade only
BIO 557 - Chemical And Molecular Biology Of Cancer
This course covers the mechanisms, targets and therapeutics of cancer, including the definition and molecular basis of cancer as a disease state, components of the regulatory machinery through which cell division is controlled, and processes through which these mechanisms fall. The course also provides insight into how molecular knowledge of these processes is being applied to develop new therapeutic strategies. Cross-listed with CHM 567. Letter grade only.
BIO 558 - Success In Research Part I
This course serves students participating in MS programs in across four colleges (CEFNS, SBS, CHHS, and CEIAS). The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practical skill, knowledge and training to successfully conduct research, compete for PhD programs, research funding and careers in research and academia. Students will receive practical training in research ethics, responsible conduct in research, as well as training in writing for research and presenting results in writing and for conferences. We will also provide Title IX training, and guide students in navigating the complexities of life/work in the sciences. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only. Students must be admitted to a thesis-based MS program at NAU. Co-convened with BIO 458. Letter grade only.
BIO 559 - Success In Environmental Health Research Part 2
This course serves first year MS students (2nd semester) participating in programs in Biological Sciences, Health and Human Services and Social and Behavioral Studies. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the practical skill, knowledge and training to successfully conduct research, compete for graduate programs and research funding. Students will receive practical training in research ethics, responsible conduct in research, as well as training in writing for research and presenting results in writing and for conferences. We will also provide Title IX training, and guide students in navigating the complexities of life/work in the sciences. Co-convened with BIO 459. Letter grade only.
BIO 560 - Ecotoxicology
Ecotoxicology is an interdisciplinary course spanning from molecular mechanisms of toxicity to atmospheric transport of persistent organic pollutants. Course topics include: the history of chemical contamination of the environment and associated cases of environmental injustice; categories and characteristics of major classes of contaminants; physiological processes involved in uptake, biotransformation, detoxification, elimination, and accumulation of contaminants; chemical and physical processes involved in environmental fate of contaminants; individual-level processes and outcomes such as dose-response, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer; molecular effects of contaminants and employing those effects in biomarkers; quality assurance/quality control principles and procedures; cytotoxicity and histopathology; interactions between genetics and contaminants in development of cancer; principles of endocrine disruption; the use of stable isotopes in environmental tracking of contaminants; sublethal, acute, and chronic lethal effects of contaminants; effects of contaminants on populations, communities and ecosystems; landscape to global effects of contaminants; and environmental and health risk assessments. This is a writing-intensive course, and as such, students will improve their technical writing skills. This is also a reading-intensive course, and students will learn to evaluate scientific papers in the context of theory and application. Letter grade only
BIO 562 - Advanced Respiratory Physiology
This course will cover basic and applied aspects of human physiology specific to respiratory physiology. Students will learn about respiratory regulation and responses during exercise, environmental stress, and in lung disease. Co-convened with BIO 462C. Letter grade only.
BIO 564 - Field Biology Research
Field Biology Research and Field Biology Research Lab combine to provide a complete research experience from conception to presentation with a focus on research making use of elevation gradients. The lecture component includes understanding the literature and motivation for research, developing hypotheses and research methods, and the synthesis and presentation of results in a scientific paper format. The lab component includes field trips and observation, indoor and outdoor data collection activities, mentorship of undergraduate students, data analysis and data archiving. The two components are co-requisite. Co-convened with BIO 464. Letter grade only.
BIO 564L - Field Biology Research Lab
Field Biology Research and Field Biology Research Lab combine to provide a complete research experience from conception to presentation with a focus on research making use of elevation gradients. The lecture component includes understanding the literature and motivation for research, developing hypotheses and research methods, and the synthesis and presentation of results in a scientific paper format. The lab component includes field trips and observation, indoor and outdoor data collection activities, mentorship of undergraduate students, data analysis and data archiving. The two components are co-requisite. Co-convened with BIO 464L. Letter grade only.
BIO 565 - Interventions To Mitigate And Prevent Chronic Diseases
This course will cover pathogenesis and pathophysiology of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and focus on current research related to interventions including exercise, nutrition, nutritional supplements, and pharmacological therapies. Additionally the topics of aging, obesity, chronic inflammation, and oxidative stress will be addressed. Co-convened with BIO 465C. Letter grade only.
BIO 566 - Legislative Or The Washington Center Internship
Supervised internship in the Arizona Legislature or the Washington Center. Students are selected on a competitive basis, and you must apply the term prior to the internship. Students must meet requirements of the program to be eligible. Course enrollment is handled by the internship coordinator after selections have been made. Pass/Fail only.
BIO 570 - Plant Ecology
Surveys theories that explore the dynamic nature and ecological genetics of plants. Uses examples from population-level and community-level studies to demonstrate current problems in plant ecology, emphasizing paradigms unique to plants. Letter grade only.
BIO 571 - Field Biology
Natural history of organisms common to Arizona. 1-2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only. May be repeated as needed for credit.
BIO 573 - Field Ecology
Emphasizes identification of original field research problems in diverse habitats, experimentation, data analyses, oral presentation of findings, and writing in journal format. 2 hrs. lecture, 6 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
BIO 577 - Concepts In Ecology
Theoretical and applied concepts in ecology, such as evolutionary ecology, population and community ecology, ecosystem ecology and behavioral ecology. Cross-listed with ENV 577 and FOR 577. Letter grade only.
BIO 578 - Microbial Ecology
Population, community, and ecosystem ecology of microorganisms emphasizing interactions with plants and animals and the roles of microorganisms in ecosystem processes. Co-convenes with BIO 471C. Cross-listed with ENV 571. Letter grade only.
BIO 580 - Population And Quantitative Genetics
Mendelian and quantitative approaches to understanding population and evolutionary genetics; inference concerning natural lab populations. Letter grade only. Recommended: STA 270 and BIO 240.
BIO 587 - Professional Development
Designed to assist in preparing you for entry into your professional arena. Pass/Fail only. No repeat limit.
BIO 590 - Fundamentals Of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics focuses on the application of the tools of computer science, such as programming languages and databases, to address biological questions. This class will teach fundamental theories, tools, and skills used in bioinformatics. Co-convened with BIO 450. Letter grade only.
BIO 593 - In-service Teacher Workshop
Topical instruction involving exchange of ideas, practical methods, skills, and principles. Normally you may count up to 6 hours of 593 toward your graduate program. Pass-fail only.
BIO 597 - Reading For Comprehensive Exam
Preparation for comprehensive examination. Pass-fail only.
BIO 599 - Contemporary Developments
Examines recent trends and investigations in a selected area of a particular field of study. May be offered no more than three times before being submitted for a permanent course number. May be repeated for credit. Letter grade only.
BIO 599H - Contemporary Developments - Honors
Examines recent trends and investigations in a selected area of a particular field of study. May be offered no more than three times before being submitted for a permanent course number. May be repeated for credit. Letter grade only.
BIO 608 - Fieldwork Experience
Supervised field experience in an appropriate agency, organization, or situation. May not exceed 12 hours of credit. Pass-fail only. Department consent required.
BIO 663 - Biogeography
Reviews factors governing the patterns of organism distribution, including biotic and physical relationships, evolutionary history, dispersal mechanisms, paleoecology, continental drift, and insular phenomena. Letter grade only. Recommended: undergraduate degree in biology or related field plus knowledge of basic ecological concepts.
BIO 666 - Animal Behavior
Surveys principles and theory, emphasizing feeding, reproduction, habitat behavior, aggression, learning, communication, behavioral genetics, and social organization. Letter grade only. Recommended: undergraduate degree in biology, psychology, anthropology, or sociology.
BIO 673 - Physiological Ecology
Biophysical analysis of organism interaction with environment. Major topics include energy balance, gas exchange, and water relations of animals and plants. Letter grade only. Recommended: introductory courses in ecology, physiology, chemistry, and physics.
BIO 676 - Phylogenetics
Introduction to phylogenetics, including philosophy behind the field and hands-on experience conducting phylogenetic analyses. Course comprises a lecture with literature reading and discussion, combined with a lab component built into the stand lecture time involving data analysis using modern phylogenetic software. Prior experience with command line and use of a high-performance computing cluster, like NAU's Monsoon, recommended. Letter grade only.
BIO 680 - Biological Techniques
Selected topics on techniques used in modern field and lab research. May be repeated for credit. 2 hrs. lecture (3 hrs. lab at instructor's option). Instructor consent required. Pass/Fail or letter grade.
BIO 682 - Quantitative Biology
Introduces quantitative analysis of biological data, including the treatment of field and lab data by computer programming languages, statistical packages and/or mathematical models. Letter grade only. Maybe repeated for up to 9 units.
BIO 685 - Graduate Research
Letter grade or pass-fail. May be repeated as needed. Department Consent.
BIO 686 - Community Ecology In Theory And Practice
This course will focus on classical and modern theories of community ecology and the practical application of that theory. The course will include review and discussion of classical community ecology studies, followed by trait-based and phylogenetic-based community ecology modules. Application of the methods discussed in readings will be achieved through statistical analyses in the R computing language. Letter grade only.
BIO 697 - Independent Study
Individualized directed study on selected topics. Note that no more than 3 units may be included on a master's plan in education. Letter grade or pass-fail. Department Consent. Please complete the Independent Study Proposal form and obtain signatures of approval BEFORE registering.
BIO 698 - Graduate Seminar
Oral reports on current literature topics or individual research by staff and graduate students. Coconvenes with BIO 498. Pass-fail or letter grade. May be repeated as needed. Instructor consent required.
BIO 699 - Graduate Thesis
Individualized directed research, writing, and oral defense of selected thesis topic. May be repeated as needed. Department Consent. Pass-fail only. Prerequisite: Admission to master's program.
BIO 795 - Internship In College Teaching
Department Consent. Pass-fail or letter grade.
BIO 799 - Dissertation
Individualized directed research, writing, and oral defense of selected dissertation topic. Department consent required. Pass-fail only. May be repeated as needed.