
Arts and Cultural Management, Minor

Department of Comparative Cultural Studies

College of Arts and Letters

What takes place behind the curtain, a dancer's shoes and a painting's frame?  This minor teaches you basic business skills and their application in the arts.  You will explore the societal importance of the arts and how an artist's self-expression shapes cultural and individual identities.

  • A minor is earned in conjunction with a bachelor's degree.

    To receive a minor (18 - 24 units) at Northern Arizona University, you must complete a planned group of courses from one or more subject matter areas with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. At least 12 units of the minor must be unique to that minor and not applied to any other minor.

In addition to University Requirements:

  • Complete individual plan requirements.

Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.

No more than fifty percent of the units used to satisfy minor requirements may be used to satisfy major requirements.

Minimum Units for Completion 18
Major GPA 2.0

Purpose Statement
The purpose of the ACM minor is to teach students basic business skills and their application in the arts.  Students explore the societal importance of the arts and how an artist's self-expression shapes cultural and individual identities. The ACM minor thus prepares students for graduate and/or professional work in variety of museum, gallery, and performing arts organizations. Students gain the skills to be an effective leader in the arts and cultural sector. These skills translate to careers as diverse as development director, program officer, coordinator of events and special projects, managing director, executive director and sales manager. The ACM minor is therefore a natural complement to many majors, including Comparative Cultural Studies, Theatre, Music, History, Business, and Communications, among others.  
Student Learning Outcomes

Students in the ACM minor will demonstrate and/or gain:  

  • an understanding of the history of the field of arts and cultural management as well as arts policies and their background/importance both in the United States and globally
  • an understanding of key areas of arts administration, from grant writing to fundraising and outreach activities, the creation of business plans, and the marketing the arts 
  • the ability to the key features of the arts and cultural management profession, including professional standards and ethics, professional societies and organizations, and career development resources
  • the ability to analyze different arts and cultural management organizations and express the results in written and/or oral form
  • hands-on experience in a professional arts and cultural management setting (theatre, gallery, music hall, arts festival, museum, etc.)
  • the skills necessary to becoming an effective leader in the arts and cultural sector

Minor Requirements
    • *Theater Majors only. If TH 321 is chosen, then must select an ACM elective.
      **Prerequisites include (MST 210 or TH 321) and ACM 310.

  • Be aware that some courses may have prerequisites that you must also successfully complete. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.