Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education

Academic Information

"Good teaching is more a giving of the right questions than a giving of the right answers," said Josef Albers, designer and educator. This degree provides future teachers with the tools to stimulate their students to learn and to question. The plan includes grounding in teaching methods and best practices, as well as an understanding of issues and challenges faced by today's and tomorrow's schools. 

The BSEd in Elementary Education is available in person at several sites across the state of Arizona, including Yuma and Flagstaff. Additionally, NAU offers the BSEd in Elementary Education using instructional technology. Students meet online at a specific time using live online technology with the entire class and instructor and engage in learning experiences together. This option replaces face-to-face classes at the South Mountain and Pima CC-Downtown campuses in order to best serve our teacher candidates.

This program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

This program is approved by the Arizona State Board of Education (AZBE)

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education


What Can I Do with a Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education?

No job is more challenging, rewarding, or important than teaching small children. As an elementary educator, you'll help shape the character—and future—of every child in your classroom. It's a big responsibility. Our elementary education program will prepare you to succeed.

For more than a century, Northern Arizona University has produced leaders for America's schools. The College of Education is technologically advanced, culturally responsive, and student-focused. Our small class sizes guarantee that you will receive lots of individual attention. You'll also do plenty of classroom teaching.

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education

University Requirements

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education


In addition to University Requirements:

Candidates in this program are required to demonstrate content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and skills, professional knowledge, and professional dispositions to be eligible to enter student teaching or internship placements.

Content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge or skills, and professional dispositions are demonstrated through candidate performance on key assessments embedded in the following course(s):

Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.

Minimum Units for Completion 120
Major GPA 3.0
Highest Mathematics Required MAT 155
Additional Admission Requirements Required
Fieldwork Experience/Internship Required
Student Teaching/Supervised Teaching Required
University Honors Program Optional
AZ Transfer Students complete AGEC-A Recommended
Progression Plan Link View Progression Plan

This program may lead to licensure.

Purpose Statement

The Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Education degree program, which leads to Arizona teacher certification, provides candidates with the necessary foundation to teach in K-8th grade classrooms. This nationally recognized program emphasizes sound pedagogical practices while stressing the skills, knowledge, and dispositions necessary to confidently enter the field of education. Candidates engage in a purposeful program of study, which is grounded in theory and infused with practical experiences in schools. Candidates pursue foundational coursework in mathematics, liberal studies, educational foundations, bilingual and multi-cultural education, educational psychology, special education, curriculum and instruction, and educational technology curriculum.  Candidates select from various Clinically-Based Partnership sites and models and complete 135 practicum hours over the course of three semesters prior to student teaching, which occurs in semester four.

During the course of study, candidates are able to demonstrate outcomes aligned to the standards of the CAEP and the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium. These outcomes include, but are not limited to, constructing learning opportunities that support students' development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation; knowing, understanding, and using major concepts in subject matter fields to enhance student learning and development; creating instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students; knowing, understanding, and using various assessment strategies to plan, evaluate, and improve teaching and learning; and reflecting and continuously improving educational practice.

Candidates who complete this program will be prepared to contribute to and participate in the education of future generations through public, charter, and private schools, as well as other venues where such coursework and certification may serve the job, such as training/teaching in organizations, non-profits, and agencies.

Student Learning Outcomes 

Outcomes align with the Standards from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC).

Detailed Learning Outcomes

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education


Additional Admission Requirements
Major Requirements
Teacher Preparation
General Electives
Additional Information
More Information

Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning

Elementary Education, Bachelor of Science in Education

Campus Availability

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